goals next year tag // FOLLOW UP

Hey lovelies!!

Just about a year ago, I posted a tag which involved three goals which I would revisit the same time next year. I hope you enjoy getting a bit of an update on these goals and where I’m at with them a year later, in April 2018. ☺

(Also apologies for my time OFB-off the blog-life has been crazy lately and I’m so sorry for neglecting my blog posting in the process!)

Goal one: Grow my blog & gain 500 blog followers.

At the time of the tag last year, I had 42 followers, and now I am nearing 1K. The growth and support I’ve received in a single year makes me beyond happy & has really encouraged me to continue blogging. I’ve exceeded the hopes and goals I had when starting out on WordPress, and its all thanks to the beautiful peeps who keep up with reading and supporting blogilisciousxoxo. *Huge hugs to all of you*❀

Goal two: Have a steady job and enough savings to attend college loan-free.

While I will need to take out loans for college, I am happy at the budget I’ve drawn up and the college I’ve decided to attend, which will make it easy enough to pay for college without excessive amounts of stress. You can be sure of my posting lots of college-related posts this fall πŸ˜‰

Goal three: Appreciate the time I have until college next year.

I made this goal as I knew I would be entering senior year the next fall, and while my final year of high school was loads more stressful than I had expected, I’ve learned and grown a lot through it. I’m finally in a pretty happy place, working at my relationships right now with Jesus, my friends and family, and myself. In a sense I hadn’t thought of when I originally wrote this goal, I think I’ve really succeeded at meeting it.


It felt really strange to revisit what I had hoped to accomplish an entire year ago, but I’m so glad I did this tag in April of 2017. It can be such a good thing to reflect and look back on what you’ve done in the past and how it’s affected you up to the present. (:

Thanks so much for reading, beauties!❀

9 thoughts on “goals next year tag // FOLLOW UP

  1. Yesssss GO YOU!! I am so glad you’ve learnt a lot and have been able to grow as well. It’s always great to look back at your goals. I hope you have good rest of the year! 😊🌸
    P.s. LOVE your new photo! Can you stop being so pretty, please, k thanks. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ’•πŸ’•

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    • Hehe thank you love!!!! It really is wonderful to look back on what you’ve achieved in the past year and how you’ve grown as a result (: And aww my gosh! Thank you ahah, you’re the beautifulest blogger yourself, just saying❀❀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved this post! ❀ You achieved many things! I’m proud of you girl πŸ’• Good luck with college πŸ€ I love your blog so much. You are an amazing and beautiful human being. Keep up the good work! xoxo love you loads 😍❀🌸

    Liked by 1 person

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