organization tips & hacks: my favorite five

Hello lovelies! A few posts ago on my blog, I shared some tips of mine for motivation and inspiration and a lot of you seemed to enjoy that and found it helpful, so I decided to write about a few tips for becoming and staying organized. Hope you enjoy reading! xx

Make to-do lists. Ever since I’ve started creating daily lists of things I’ve wanted to do every day, my life has become 10x more productive, organized, and put together. Seriously guys, if you create to-do lists every day and work towards getting (most of) the things on the list done each day, YOUR LIFE WILL #FOREVER BE CHANGED. Its a simple but super effective way to not only remember but also be motivated in keeping your daily tasks organized and planned out.

Have a planner or start a bullet journal. Tying into the last tip, having your weeks and months planned out visually in a planner or bullet journal is a fun motivator that is going to categorize what you need to accomplish creatively. If you decide to bullet journal, have fun with it and have the journal go along with all your favorite colors, designs and themes to totally match your own aesthetic.

De-clutter & make minimalist choices. Having visibly less clutter is one of the first things you should work on to organize your life. Start making minimalist choices by giving away or selling items you have but don’t use or want. If you’re unsure of whether to keep certain items or not, ask yourself if the item has been used in the past six months -if it hasn’t been, more often than not you don’t need it and its just taking up space.

Set aside areas for different activities. I have a certain place where I like to study and do schoolwork, another to do online work, and yet another to relax. Having spaces for different things through out your day or week will help create an environment of work or relaxation, depending on how its used and set up.

Have a daily routine. This may not be for everyone, but having a routine for different parts of your day will help a ton in becoming personally more productive, focused, and organized. For example, my early mornings and late evenings are pretty structured (even in the summer) which really sends off the productive vibes, amidst all the more easy-going feels that are so common in the summer.


Let me know in the comments if you found any of these tips helpful πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for reading loves! ❀



23 thoughts on “organization tips & hacks: my favorite five

    • Yess! My summer days are so crazy in-between, so having a routine at the beginning and end of each day is something that is calming and very necessary for me hehe. xx

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my gosh yes! Visual to-do lists and planners are a must for me if I want to get anything done in an organized way. Thank you girly πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve tried bullet journaling and I agree-it can be a little tough in the beginning trying to plan and organize the layout. Perhaps trying a weekly (versus) monthly layout on each page could make it a lil easier and simpler for you starting out? Xxx


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